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Last week, a group of our older girls and their counselor traveled by bus from Netanya to Jerusalem. Taking along their trustee prayer brooks and a sack lunch, they each carried a list of those they would pray for after arriving to the holiest place in the world – the Western Wall – the Kotel HaMa’aravi.

girls kotel 1.jpgArriving at the Kotel’s square, the girls stood in awe, as so many visitors do, whether it’s their first time peering at this ancient wall, or the 10th time…there is always a ‘weakness in the knees’. Bracha Runes, our Home’s Programs Director tells us that going to the Kotel is one of the most desired places our girls always wish to visit. “It gives them hope for a better future, it offers them solace from a sad past.”

Not only do our house sisters feel compelled to pray for their own needs and future wishes, but they genuinely believe that they should also request from G-d good health, prosperity, marriage matches, peace and tranquility for other girls in the Home and for our dear friends of Lev LaLev who have written in their hopes and aspirations and have asked the girls to bring them to the Kotel.

girls kotel 2.jpgOur girls pray with such intensity, with such fervor, and also place notes into the crevices of the wall.

Thank you to our dedicated supporters for sending in their personal dilemmas and appeals. There is nothing that makes our girls feel better than to ‘give back’ to all of you, who have given them, and continue to give them, so very much!