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Watch OUT! It’s Hot, Hot, Hot!!!!   All of Israel is experiencing a heat wave.  Jerusalem reports 91 degrees Fahrenheit; Tel Aviv suffers not only from 93-degrees heat, but with the added bonus of humidity, that you don’t even want to know. There’s no relief even at the shores of the Mediterranean where our girls live in Netanya. The mercury in their neighborhood has risen up to the early 90s. In other words, there’s no relief from the sun’s formidable rays. So, here’s what we have in store to keep the girls moving about so they don’t sizzle.

tastingpeaches2.jpgPeach Growing 101

Chartered buses at the Home’s front door picked up our girls and drove northbound  to a collective farm that  grows yummy fuzzy peaches. Our girls got to pick, and of course, to taste and enjoy.


Also known as Bumper Cars in the States – there isn’t a girl in the Home that doesn’t enjoy this exciting experience behind the wheel.

IceSkate.jpgFrom A Melt Down to a Cool Off

After a planned sojourn to Tiberias and Lake Kineret next week, our dear girls will also be treated to a chilling experience – skating in a professional ice rink. 

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The wheels don’t stop turning. Our activities director, Elinor Gabay enjoys accompanying the girls on long bike rides through winding trails. The girls carry snacks and bottled water to keep them hydrated.

Thanks to our generous donors, the girls' summer dreams can come true.

To sponsor a girl's summer camp experience CLICK HERE