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There’s always an artist in every group of friends. But, in the Rubin-Zeffren Children’s Home, artistic talents are plentiful since the arts are expressed and nurtured on a weekly basis.

Elinor Gabay, the Home’s own very talented activities director tells us that the annual art competition is now in full swing. “The girls are busy as bees, each spending their precious leisure time on a free art project of their choice.”

At the Home, self-expression in the arts is encouraged and nurtured from an early age. Whether it’s painting or sculpting, music lessons on the guitar, flute or keyboard, or arranging fruit platters and dessert trays, the girls participate in a wide variety of artistic endeavors from a young age.

As the school year winds down and the girls are working with tutors daily to accelerate their opportunities of getting the best ever grades on their exams, their heavy scholastic schedules are balanced with relaxing artistic interludes including the Home’s annual art competition.

Large art pads, grease crayons, watercolor paints, acrylics and many other supplies are available for use so that each girl can create in her own unique style. Elinor’s project studio, where the girls often work creating and producing colorful and inspirational wall hangings that adorn the Home, is stocked with every imaginable tool to enable the girls to excel in whatever medium they choose.

Given free choice on the style and subject matter in which they may generate their works of art, the girls do not have any pressure to craft a particular design or to work in a restrictive mode. Elinor also tells us that by fostering this free choice spirit for the art competition allows girl to explore her own strength and develop her own specialty.

The Home’s staff and administration is acutely aware that art therapy has a positive effect on the girls at the Home who have been disconnected from their emotions for some time. It is often intimidating for them to reflect on their feelings of sadness, abandonment and neglect so art is a wonderful catalyst for communication.  These art projects take the direct focus off of the girl herself and places it onto something external – the artwork –, which then frees her to express herself in a new way.

Winning contestants and participants receive coupons to purchase art supplies and writing tools for the next school year. And best of all, the budding artists win self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment.

Click here to sponsor art therapy at the Home


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