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Chaya R. has lived in the Children’s Home since 2003. Nine years ago, when she crossed our threshold, she was emaciated and frightened. She remembers how her teeth chattered from fear of coming to an unknown place. Until the moment she arrived at our safe haven in Netanya, Chaya R. suffered in her parents’ home. She was witness to arguments, violence and chaotic conditions.

Although Chaya was a very bright child, her household condition precluded her from studying for tests, reading books, and preparing daily homework. After less than a year at the Home, Chaya became a top student. And, today she is a kala – a bride to be!

Chaya, whose parents were both ill, is now an orphan, as is her chatan – groom. Their wedding day will be on July 2nd at Halilua Hall in Petach Tikva. Because Chaya is such a gifted student, Lev LaLev will continue to assist her with higher education tuition after her wedding. LLL has taken the responsibility not only of paying for Chaya’s education, but also all wedding expenses and the set-up of her first home as a married woman.

One of the greatest mitzvahs is to help a kala in need. Here is a list of expenses:

Wedding - 20,000 shekel - $5,239
Electric appliances - 10,000 shekel- $2,618.50
Table and 4 chairs - 2,500 shekel - $654.63
Bedroom - 9,000 shekel - $2,356.65

Partnering with Lev LaLev to help shower Chaya with the joy she finally deserves - a wonderful new beginning for her and her groom, will be one of the most gratifying moments of your life!

click here to help Chaya R.